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Nuclear Technologies

Harsh Environment Computers for the Nuclear Industry

Nuclear power plantWith extensive experience in supporting legacy product, US Technologies supports the nuclear industry with a vast line of products and services specific to nuclear technologies including but not limited to Multibus 1 & Multibus 2 and VME embedded single board computer products, all types of power supplies and PCB's, perfect for the nuclear power industry. We provide PCB manufacturing of subassemblies along with comprehensive full functional testing solutions as well as repair of these subassemblies.

As the OEM of Intel/RadiSys Multibus I and II products, US Technologies provides both sales, service and End-of-Life (EOL) support for nuclear customers worldwide.  With Multibus I and II manufacturing, inventory sales, repair and refurbishment services we are committed to support the nuclear industry as well as other industries with these products for many years into the future.

We can provide both standard (OEM) configurations as well as custom based on your individual requirements.  To support this and other legacy electronics, UST has one of the country's largest inventory of components to ensure that we can meet your needs no matter how old the product line.  We also build complete test systems using state-of-the-art PCB electronic test fixtures, allowing customers to use for their product, no matter the age or complexity.

Our customer support team is here to assist you with any questions on repair, build or inventory. Please click here to link to our customer support page.


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